
I’m a web devoloper designer and coder. Offering a freelance job in jekyll static site devolopment in fact this whole site is built with jekyll and github pages! If you want to see what I can do I have made sveral site including my blog.

Contact Me

Why choose me?


Everything is animated! Page transitions, button clicks, hover effects. And pages are so snappy to load thanks to caching them allowing for them to be remembered on the device and be accesed offline

Offline experiences

My websites work great offline you can browse pages as long as you've seen them before and even a custom offline fail page is present.

App installation

My websites can easily be installed as an app just go into the browser enter the menu and click install as app the app will appear on the home screen and is accesable without internet.

My projects

See the repo

A fork of the cayman jekyll theme that adds dark mode

See the website
My blog

A great blog website for me by me.

See the repo

A fork of the minimal jekyll theme that adds dark mode.

My skills


See the sass docs

A progrmming language that complies to css

See the matirlize docs

A css libary that allows you to build buitiful websites like this one.

See the barba docs

A js libary that allows you to create animations from page to page.


See a intro

An os I use and love that is used in many servers