
A capital BMy Blog

Welcome to my blog. You can start browsing my blogs, tuturiols, what I’m working on and sneak peak what might be coming soon! If you want to know more about me see my homepage.

a capital B My Blogs

The latest happening's

27 August 2021
google anti-competitive
Anti competitive?

In this yet to be written article discover the truth about if google is being anticompetitive and making its apps slow on firefox.

See the blog >>
11 October 2021
css sticky position
position: sticky; an ungradurated marvel

Position sticky is cool right? you can have buttons that behave normally. ...Then stay on the screen when you scroll ...And then disapear agian when you scroll further. But in this article I take it to the next level by animating the sticky element into the desired position when it goes off the screen. Adding even more WOW facter!

See the blog >>

history_toggle_off Potentially Coming Soon

The latest things that could be in the pipeline

10 September 2021
Linux Adventure!

See my path from distro to distro de to de and program to program in the linux world

drive_file_rename_outline Still In The Writing

See the future of this blog. but be warned; Its wacky!

A picture of the englund gambit
21 November 2021
chess opening gambit
The Englund Gambit - A Quik Winner

See how the Englund Gambit can quikly win when paired with a unknowing opponent

book My Tuturiols

Browse all of my tuturiols

A stick of ram
26 July 2021
ram upgrade
Upgrade Time

In this unwritten article see how to upgrade the ram on your HP laptop

See the blog >>
27 August 2021
open laptop
Open An Hp Laptop

In this unritten article see how to open most HP laptops.

See the blog >>
A picture of my linux setup
21 October 2021
linux bspwm arch picom sxhkd polybar
My linux setup

In this article see how I have configured linux!

See the blog >>

a suitcase What I'm Working On

The latest things I'm working on

26 August 2021
dark mode jekyll minimal theme cayman theme
The Dark Side

See how I added a dark theme into and then used it in my site.

See the blog >>
26 August 2021
jekyll blog
Blog Away

See how I'm making this blog with jekyll, matirilize and barba js.

See the blog >>